Discover How Kevin Trudeau’s ‘New’ HCG Diet Differs From the Original hCG Protocol

LAST MODIFIED: Monday, April 3, 2023

In recent years, interest in the hCG diet was reawakened thanks to Kevin Trudeau’s book: ‘The Weight Loss Cure – What They Don’t Want you to Know’.

But how is it different to the original protocol and which should you follow?

We outline the differences for you as well as a word of caution about Mr Trudeau right here.


Trudeau hCG Diet VS Dr Simeons Original hCG Protocol

In addition to dietary changes, Trudeau also felt that it was necessary to adjust the original hCG protocol to make up for the increased amount of toxins in modern-day foods. The changes he made are as follows:


Time spent on phase 1 (Loading)

Trudeau’s protocol is very similar to Dr Simeon’s original one, with a few important differences. In the first place, Phase 1, also known as ‘The Loading Phase’ was extended to a full 30 day period compared to only two loading days in the original diet protocol.


Restrictions during loading

Simeons did not prescribe any restrictions on foods to be eaten in the loading phase. However, Trudeau recommends a number of supplements that should be used during loading, recommends six meals a day and an exercise plan. Salads twice daily are mandatory during loading and the diet restricts the consumption of trans-fats.


Supplements and Exercise

A third important difference is the approach to supplements and exercise. Simeons felt that no supplements should be used and that exercise should be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes of light cardio during phase 2. Trudeau, on the other hand insists on the use of a variety of supplements such as apple cider vinegar, coral calcium and probiotics. Trudeau also recommends regular exercise including weight training, yoga and walking for an hour per day.


Organic Foods

The problem of processed foods and environmental toxins in foods was not widely recognized in the 1950’s when Dr Simeons designed his hCG diet protocol. Today, we know that food additives, animal husbandry and vegetable farming practices can introduce a host of toxins into the body. These toxins can affect your metabolism, so Trudeau recommends 100% organic food for the duration of the diet.


Massage and Colonic Irrigation

Simeons’ initial opinion is that no additional therapies should be applied during the hCG diet. Trudeau, on the other hand, recommends massage as well as colonic irrigation. According to his protocol, a colon cleanse should be administered every two days during the loading phase and follow up cleanses four times a year after completing the hCG diet.


Additional Recommendations from Trudeau

Trudeau recommends several detoxifying treatments such as a heavy metal cleanse, liver cleanses and the use of electromagnetic ‘chaos filters’. He also strongly recommends the avoidance of microwaved foods and minimum exposure to air conditioning and fluorescent lighting. He advocates promotion of relaxation with the help of relaxation music.


A Word on Kevin Trudeau

Unfortunately, whilst Kevin Trudeau did reawaken an interest in the hCG diet, his methods for marketing his book ‘The Weight Loss Cure – What ‘They’ Don’t Want you to Know’ has resulted in some negativity surrounding the hCG diet. The reality is that the hCG diet still works as well as it did 50 years ago however Trudeau’s misleading infomercials describing it as a ‘diet-free method of losing weight’ are simply not true and have certainly landed him some hot water with a 10-year jail sentence. With this in mind, his book may be best avoided and a qualified hCG diet doctor is likely to be your best source of information.

Kevin Trudeau HCG Diet
Click to Enlarge Image – An example review of Trudeau’s book from